The World Unpacked

Russian Disinformation and the Media: One Journalist’s Story

Episode Summary

What are influence operations? How do malign foreign actors choose targets to help spread disinformation? And what does it feel like to be an unwitting pawn in a foreign government's campaign to sow division?

Episode Notes

On September 1, 2020, more than twenty journalists worldwide learned they had unwittingly joined a Russian influence operation. One of them was Laura Walters, a  journalist who had recently become a freelancer as she moved from New Zealand to London. Laura explains her interaction with Peace Data, the red flags she missed, and her reaction to learning that she had been involved in a Russian disinformation campaign.


Then, Alicia Wanless, director of Carnegie's Partnership for Countering Influence Operations joins the show to do a deep dive into the world of foreign disinformation campaigns. Alicia and Laura discuss why influence campaigns have long targeted journalists, how non-experts can spot bots and trolls, and what the policymaking community should do to address this growing threat.


Read more:

  1. "I was part of a Russian meddling campaign," by Laura Walters
  2. "How Journalists Become an Unwitting Cog in the Influence Machine," by Alicia Wanless and Laura Walters
  3. Victim of Russian Influence Operation Offers Cautionary Tale video